Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Spend Saturday photographing a bunch of awesome High School students. 
Talanted photographer Mary Denton Taylor, 
arranged for a group of photographers and seniors to get together and play with various setups, lighting, poses, etc. Thank you Mary for all your work and thank you to all the seniors who were so patient in the freezing cold. 
Here are a few of the pics from the day.


Nick@Nite said...

Nice photos JoMama. It was nice to stumble upon your blog. These are great!

ShutterbugMama said...

ha, when I saw that comment and knew if must be an old friend posting:).
Brian...long time no see. How are you buddy? I saw the dance pic on your blog...beautiful! So happy to see you "on here". Please come back and visit:). Cheers, Johanna

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